Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Election Modernization in the Philippines

To modernize election system in the Philippines, the effort should be done in phases, in 2007 midterm election and in 2010 regular election. The modernization program should be implemented in two stages such as:

· First, Modernize Canvassing System in 2007

The current canvassing system and methodology in use is very archaic. As an initial step, the modernization of canvassing system shall start with the restructuring of polling and canvassing centers all over the country. This should be coupled with the incorporation of technology in the canvassing of votes and transmission of data from the polling and canvassing centers to the central hub in Manila.

Creation of Polling Center and Canvassing Center Secretariats

To modernize polling and canvassing centers, this will involve the establishment of Polling or Canvassing Center Secretariats in very polling center at the barangay level and canvassing centers at the municipal or city level, to provincial level up to national canvassing center. The goal is to centralize data and information distribution to interested parties. This method will help political parties and candidates to minimize their expense on poll watchers. Consolidation of precinct results at Polling Centers shall be summarized on barangay to barangay basis because this is much easier based on the identification of precinct numbers assigned to each barangay.

For instance, if Barangay A has five precincts numbered 1, 1-A, 2, 2-B up to 3 and Barangay B has 10 precincts numbered 4, 4-A, 4-B, 4-C, 5, 6, 6-A, 6-B, 7 up to 7-A, the results of the five precincts in Barangay A should be consolidated in summary total under Barangay A while that of the ten precincts in Barangay B should be totaled in summary under Barangay B. The results for Barangay A and B should be posted at their respective Barangay Halls in the duration of 30 days so that people will have access to this information and preempt any attempt by politicians and Comelec unscrupulous personnel to manipulate election data. Canvassing of votes at the municipal level will now be based on the summary for each barangay rather than results of individual precincts. This will make canvassing in towns and cities faster just like in the canvassing at the provincial level where the basis is based on the consolidated result in the municipal and city canvasses.

The distribution of information or data result becomes easier, since the Secretariat can provide updates and latest results from the source even before official canvass is made. Political parties will be more interested in getting unofficial result issued by Secretariat rather than wait for official data from the canvass. This will help in easing canvassing due to protests from lawyers of political parties and candidates. The only time the protest is lodged is when figures do not tally with the unofficial result secured by party watchers. Only double-checking of figures is done rather than lodging protest which is more time consuming during canvassing. This will also help preempt manipulation in the canvass result. The old method will now become modernized even without a computerized voting.

This system should be tested in the 2007 mid-term.

Provision of Computers in Polling and Canvassing Secretariat

The manual archaic system of canvassing must be aided with the use of computers to digitize election results from data storage to distribution of canvass results, to transmission of canvass results from polling centers to municipal canvass boards to provincial canvass boards up to national canvassing center and headquarters of political parties and candidates. The various stage of canvassing that is done with human intervention can be double-checked and compared with the result via electronic data transmitted since this is faster depending on the capabilities of interested political parties and candidates.

The benefits on this system are digitizing the data at source so that electronic transmission is made possible thru the internet or other means, digitized data storage can be distributed in any type of medium and modes, data comparison and correction is much easier and paper trail is easier to track than in the paper-based system only. So, even in using both the manual paper-based data and in computerized electronic data, canvassing is more modernized than in using a paper-based canvassing only. The dual system can be run and operated alongside or in parallel. It is highly probable that using both is a counter solution in case computerized system bogs down since availability of paper-based data is always possible when necessary.

In opting to provide computers in polling centers rather than choosing an automated voting and counting, still the government can modernize under this method and save a lot. This method or system should be tested in the 2007 election to prove its viability.

Security of Data and Other Electronic Media

It is much easier to transport digital files than in paper files of election results. This will enable the government to save a lot in terms of transport costs for these election paraphernalia because the government can either transport the result or transmit via electronic means. The viability of data transmission can be possible on various options under different legal environment depending on the prevailing law on data transmission.

Data security is much easier done than in the paper-based data. Transmission is secured because password control can be programmed to enable different parties to log and use their own passwords. Paper trail is possible printing a digitized file unlike in paper-based where photocopying can be done without trace. Data leakage should not be the main concern for data security but rather the protection of authentic and correct electronic data. However, this can always be counter-checked using the paper-based file. Therefore, the paper-based file is the best security protection of the election result. Manipulation of results is highly unlikely for it will involve the operation of not just one medium but two unlike in the present system where Certificate of Canvasses are easily and more vulnerable to human fraud.

· Second, Automate the Voting and Counting of Votes and Canvassing in 2010

It can be assumed that with the partial modernization initiated thru the use of computers in data storage and transmission of results, the final phase of modernization will now be done fully automated and electronically. With the first system tested, the holes found on the loop could have now been plugged and corrected.

Automated Voting and Counting of Votes

To fully automate the system, it is suggested that by 2010, the Comelec shall have been able to connect all its regional centers via a well secured network connected to the internet. The network should be capable of accepting data resources in different modes of transmission such as; thru mobile data transmission using cellular phones and mobile and manual data transmission using UHF radios.

With this system in placed in 2010, it is likely that election result nationwide can be done completely in a week or less. Thus, avoiding fraud and cheating in the conduct of canvassing and less controversies and election protests.

Savings for the Government

An automated voting and counting, saves the government in huge amount of money, in terms of fewer use of or the total absence of paper-based data and shorter canvassing time which will translate into lesser expenses. The country will then be at par with the U.S. and India in terms of modernity in conducting electoral exercise.


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